List Of Courses Offered In College Of Education Arochukwu

College of Education, Arochukwu is state funded and managed college of education located in Abia Sate, South East, Nigeria. This article shows the Official List Of Courses Offered In College Of Education Arochukwu, Abia.

List Of Courses Offered In College Of Education Arochukwu

List Of Courses Offered In College Of Education Arochukwu Abia

  • Agricultural Science
  • Biology / Chemistry
  • Biology / Mathematics
  • Business Education
  • Chemistry / Mathematics
  • Chemistry / Physics
  • Christian Religious Studies / Economics
  • Christian Religious Studies / English
  • Christians Religion Studies / Igbo
  • Christians Religion Studies / Social Studies
  • Computer Education / English
  • Computer Education / Physics
  • Computer Education / Accounting
  • Computer Education / Biology
  • Computer Education / Chemistry
  • Computer Education / Economics
  • Computer Science / Secretarial Studies
  • Computer Science Education / Mathematics
  • Early Childhood Care Education
  • Economics / Mathematics
  • Economics / Political Science
  • Economics / Social Studies
  • English / French
  • English / Igbo
  • English / Music
  • English / Social Studies
  • French / Computer Science
  • Igbo / Computer Science
  • Igbo / Social Studies
  • Mathematics / Physics
  • Political Science / Mathematics
  • Political Science / Social Studies
  • Computer Science / Biology
  • Computer Science / Economics
  • Home Economics (Double Major)

College of Education Arochukwu Abia admission requirement

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